Infinity Money, and everything is already bought for you!
Collect as many coins as you can, while shooting all the bad guys! The more shekels you get, the more you can use to buy more and upgrade your guns.
Infinity (Ammo, Grenades, Rockets, Mines)
Fight as a commando in the city. Watch out for snipers in the windows and enemy tanks from the sides. Learn to climb the fire-escapes to get on top of the buildings to unleash death from above.
Infinity (Money, Health, Nukes), and Instant Death Weaponry
Your snow fort is under attack. Defend it at all costs against the ruthless snow army. Plan carefully, and choose from a variety of upgrades to help defend your fort.
Infinity (Money, ExP), Instant (Units, Specials!)
Take control of 16 different units and 15 different turrets to defend your base and destroy your enemy.
Infinity (Health, Lives, Grenades)
A remake of Metal Slug, only you will never get the twist! Ahh you got it... sticks. Fast paced and full of explosions.
Infinity Health, Money, and Instant Cool Down!
Defend the earth with your orbiting weapon platforms, blasting asteroids to smithereens before they destroy the planet!