Part of Ferry Halim's Orisinal arts collection. Simply relaxing experience for the soul.
Move Horizontally Jump
Can always Jump, 1 base point (instead of 10), Birds (triple points instead of double, 2.5x more often), (Bells, Birds, Snow) never disappear, start at 1337e6 points, Full-Screen
Shield is always on, (Fast Shot, Double/Triple Shot) power-up lasts forever
An amazing content packed space shooter with 78 achievements, 28 badges, 10 unique enemies.
Infinity Health, Money, and Instant Cool Down!
Defend the earth with your orbiting weapon platforms, blasting asteroids to smithereens before they destroy the planet!
Knife/melee nuke, unlimited ammo, AI soldiers and turrets never target you. Juggernaut Pro to decrease damage by 255x and Steady Aim Pro/Foregrip (get the allusion?) to remove spread/recoil from your weapon. In addition, all levels are unlocked as the check for locks are bypassed.
Protect your hero against waves of enemies in this tactical combat sim. Sometimes it comes down to using your buddy as a bullet shield. Go after the enemy before he comes after you.
Infinity Cash (even if it says 0)
Tank warfare at it's best. The world has gone to hell - it's up to you to set things straight and blast your way to victory in this survival of the fittest tank game.
Infinity (Lives, Health)
In this action packed multi level game you have to help A.L.I.A.S to battle his way through the army base and blast all the enemies and obstacles with his high fire rate gun. Each kill restores a bit of health (power-ups help for that, too)…